Take a deep dive into how Sparkling wines are made; the difference between Champagne method and Crémant styles and sweet vs Dry styles, plus much more. With so many sparkling wines to consider, learning about all the options are fun and delicious. Treat yourself to a side-by-side tasting of sparklers of different kinds.
Taught by Deanna from Vino Mas
$40, $30 for garden members.
Pre-registration is required. MUST be 21 or over to attend.
MEMBERS: If you haven't created your account, please do so by using the link in the upper right-hand corner. Then sign-in to access your benefits and complete your program registration (your email should appear there if you are properly signed in). Member discounts are applied after classes are added to the cart and will not process if you are not signed in. If you are signed in and discounts are not being applied, please do not finish your transaction and contact us for assistance, as we cannot process partial refunds for transactions.